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Convector Covers

Convector heaters are quiet, safe, and efficient solutions for heating a room. The help direct airflow and offer a quiet heating solution for spaces that need to counteract drafty windows and minimize forced airflow that may spread unwanted allergens.

Barker Metalcraft convector heater covers ensure that your convector heaters remain efficient and damage-free. We use only high-grade, durable steel to fabricate our baseboard heaters. Our covers are designed to maximize and direct heat-flow efficiently. Our convector covers feature a reflective back to ensure that heat is properly projected into the room, evenly heating your space, counteracting cold downdrafts from windows, and minimizing condensation.

A high-quality Barker Metalcraft convector heater cover can also keep your heater clean and free of debris that may hinder its heating potential.

We offer convector heater covers in a variety of shapes, styles, and colors and in order to help you meet the needs of your home and beautify your surroundings. Our covers can help you maximize the space in your dwelling or facility by protecting furnishings from overheating and efficiently directing heat flow away from other objects.

Please note that the design of our convector heater covers are child-proof - they protect children from accessing the heating elements.

No matter the shape or size of your convector heater, Barker Metalcraft has a Convector Heater Cover to help protect your heater, increase its efficiency, and beautify your home!

Convector Heater Cover Samples

Here are just a few examples of the types of Convector Heater Covers we offer:

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